Saturday, May 23, 2009

On the road again

I'm taking a coffee break and catching up. I've got 30 miles behind me. I left Kim,Bill, Matti, and Sammi this morning after a killer french toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon breakfast. It was really nice to spend time with Kim and her family. They are the best! What a riot. Kim by the way looks great. She's really camera shy though.Bill was really nice too, he kept feeding me beers. Matti and Sammi kept me entertained and are just as sweet as can be. It was great to be lost in a five and seven year olds world. Daney, I got to play guitar,and even the piano. It's all good out here in La, La land...


  1. It was so GREAT to see Lenny after all these years and have him spend time with my family. It brought back good memories of the times we had together. We all had a great time listening to his adventures and hearing his musical talents. In my life , I have had very few people who have truly touched my heart, and he is definitely one of them. I feel very blessed to call him a friend, and pray for his safe trek across the country.

  2. I know exactly what you mean Kim. lenny has that affect on people who are fortunate enough to get to know him well and call him friend....I see that you are developing a whole new audience. The children, I am sure, had the time of their lives listening to some Sales originals (and also some good Old Mcdonald Had A Farm type stuff, too). Just got back from a lightning trip to Alabama and to Christina's mothers house. We had to to take her dog back after a month. (She ahad knee replacement surgery). We are knackered! I keep track of this blog everyday that I am near a computer. I look forward anxiously to the great pictures (like those cars and bikes in Rick's garage god those are beautiful..straight out of my era too! Muscle cars and cafe racers, the guy has great taset....and deep pockets! Those cars would bring a fortune at Barrett-Jackson.
    Well in recognition of the Memorial Day weekend I wish you a great and safe and happy time out there on the road in middle-America. Love peace and chicken grease.
