Wednesday, July 8th 2009
Today it’s raining for the first time in a couple of weeks.I walked into town and spent the morning at the coffee house on line.They have a really nice piano there, so I asked if I could play it.I spent the next couple of hours entertaining the folks coming in and out of the coffee house with some old lenny sales classics.I tried to wait out the rain, but it’s one of those days where it just keeps coming down.I stopped at the health food store and picked up some food staples for the journey.Fresh fruits, oatmeal, chocolate soymilk,and some chips and a chocolate bar.Now I’m back at the boat waiting for Marvin to return from gathering some electic supplies to hook up the two back up generators we have to motor us when there is no wind.Marvin took out the diesel motor and installed an electric motor that runs on twelve, 12 volt batteries. We have two Honda generators to recharge the batteries, as well as 10 gallons of gas to run the generators.Today we’re going to take the boat out and test the motor to see how long it takes to run down the batteries, and see if we can simultaneously recharge them with the generators without losing power.Other than that we’re watching the weather closely and plotting our course from Washington to San Francisco. It looks as though we’ll be sailing some 50 miles off shore and making 3 or 4 stops at ports along the way. We figure it will take us eleven days to get to San Francisco.Soon enough we’ll find out just how sea worthy I am.50 miles off shore on a 37 foot boat. Oh boy! Gulp.
I've heard it said, and found it to be true myself many times in my life, that if you had to choose which dreams that will come true in your lifetime than know for certain that the ones you choose will be infinitely less rewarding than the ones you never even imagined. This is how I feel as I catch up on your travels. (Been without the ol' i-net for a week) I read your tales and I am so mesmerized by the events you describe, and the people, places and things you encounter, that I can only think you would have sold yourself short had you been given the opportunity to guarantee an outcome of any dream you wanted to come to pass on this trip. Instead you did the footwork (literally) and just showed up as your genuine and authentic self, and look what you manifested into your path! I am ecstatic to know these things are happening for you my friend Lenny. I am grateful to call you friend, and know that the magic moments we created together in Stir the Soul, and the life and times we shared together as brothers from a different mother, are being added to by this truly remarkable once in a lifetime journey you are experiencing, and sharing with all of us out here in cyberville. I love ya bro. May the wind be your ally, and the sun shine sweetly on your days as you set sail. Marvin seems very cool, hope he genuinely knows what the fuck he's doing though. The Pacific ocean aint no serenity lake! Godspeed and be well. As always.....may peace be widdya.
ReplyDeletePS - heard Maya was in town last week. Wish I could've caught up with her.
PSS - what was the set list on the piano?