I'm sitting in the sailboat docked at Neah bay right at the mouth of the Jaun De Fuca straights and the Pacific ocean. The wind is howling outside at least 20 knots.Our belly's are full from Indian Taco's that we had from a little trailer that was perched in the parking lot of a country store.Indian fried bread with ground beef, lettuce, tomato's, and cheese topped with salsa.We also had a piece of Three Berrie pie.I'm stuffed and ready for a nap.We left Seku this morning around 6:30 a.m. and slipped out through the fog and into the straight.We motored for about two hours before the wind picked up.The whole straight was covered with a thick fog bank.visibility was about 100 yards and we had to keep our eyes peeled for small fishing boats.At one point we heard a large tug boat blow his horn several times and I could just make out the giant silhouette off the starboard side.Two minutes after it had passed this huge barge that it was towing what seemed liked 500 yards behind it emerged out of the fog 100 yards off the starboard side.Whoa!That was scary.I was at the helm and turned sharp to the port side to avoid being run over by that mammoth thing.We were nowhere near the shipping lane because of the fog and this tug was not where you would expect him to be. The winds picked up considerably and we were sailing along between 7 and 8 knots but the fog would not burn off.So we ducted into Neah bay and will spend the night and try again tomorrow.Marvin made a good call by getting us into that bay.We would have had our hands full if we were in the Pacific right now.It's 4 p.m. and the thick fog bank is still looming out there, combined with the strong winds and chance of a thunder storm.
Sailing from port to port is alot like riding a bike from campground to campground.It's nice to have a place to rest and reflect on the events of the day.Marvin is out like a light in his bunk, and I'm not far behind.Sailing makes you hungry and tired,But it sure is fun.
This is much like your run in with the semi's eh? Good choice to get outa the way! Glad you're having fun.!
ReplyDeleteLove all the song lyrics you are using to reference these amazing pictures...America's Sandman, Crosby, Stills and Nash's Southern Cross, Cat Stevens' Morning Has Broken - love all those tunes! Be well - hope you get your sea legs without the price of sea sickness!
ReplyDeleteI just finished up a weekend as a trainer for the personal growt workshop I told you about last year. Maybe when you land in Florida again for a stay I can enroll you into another Journey! Peace be widdya bro! Love and peace.