Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 4 Long and hilly to grannys

70 miles of this

My own personal campground

Up at 6.a.m making cowboy coffee and oatmeal with raisens, oh yeah and I had a leftover strawberry pop tart too. Just as I was leaving my site the park ranger rolls up and asks if he can open the bathroom for me. He did'nt mind at all that I camped for free and he was willing to open the bathroom, nice. Today was a long 70 mile up and down ride through farm country. Yikes! No dogs. I reached 40 mph. on one down hill. Thats hauling butt on a fully loaded bike. By the time I got to Ithica it was 5 0'clock. So I'm chillin in the Gimme coffee trying to get my blog on, but the wifi's not having it. I strike up a conversation with Bob, the guy next to me. and he starts telling me about these places I can camp for free. He even invites me to his place to use his wifi, but I tell him kindly no thanks, Im just gonna chill here. He leaves and comes back 5 mins. later with a business card from Grannys, some nice old lady who runs a bed a breakfast in town. I pack up my stuff and head right over and score a room for 30 bucks complete with shower and organic eggs for breakfast. She is just as sweet as can be. Let's me put my bike in the basement. Shows me my room and here I sit on the internet catching up. Life is good.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Lenny, it was good running into you this morning at Gimme, I'll be interested to hear how those Arkels hold up and how your tour goes. Hope you don't get too wet this week! Chip
