Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 3 Crazy excitement

I was on the road at 7a.m. and recovered well from yesterdays climbing fest. Cue music for eye of the tiger here... ready for more hills I'm feeling good. It's now 6p.m. Sunday night and I'm sitting at a picnic table in Oquaga State park having just eaten two packs of the best rice noodle soup ever. Thank you, Cece! The camp ground doesn't open till May 15th so I've chosen the nicest spot to set up camp. Not a person in site. I had a roller coaster ride from Monticello to here. 73 miles and by the time I got here my tank was empty.. So about thirty miles into my ride I'm cresting a hill and out of the corner of my eye I spot a not so happy dog, and I think oh shit! I turn to check him out and I can see he's on a chain and I think, thank god. Then the chain breaks from the brute force of this angry beast. Bark bark bark! I, in turn start peddling my ass off. Now I'm thinking oh shit. It take take him 5 seconds to catch up with me. and he is not happy. I shout from the top of my lungs GO HOME! GO HOME! But the 150lb German Shepard is not phased. He starts moving in for the kill getting snappy, and I take my left foot out of the toe clip and kick in his direction a couple of times to stave him off. Now he's barking and mad. GO HOME! GO HOME! I shout. He lets up for a second, and I think I'm off the hook. Then he comes barreling back mad as ever right on my heals and I'm peddling and shouting but he is not letting up. This Dog chased me for 3/4 of a mile before he finally gave up. I about had a heart attack. Wow! About 20 miles later I come across the Cannonville reservoir, a 96 billion gallon drinking water source for New York city residents and I take this great picture. Then I take off again riding around this reservoir and up ahead I spot what appears to be a big black dog climbing underthe guard rail about 60 feet in front of me and I think oh no! Here we go again... But it's not a dog at all. Its a freaking 200lb. black bear! Holy shit, holy shit I'm thinking get the camera, and in the same instant I'm thinking turn around, turn around. What's he gonna do when he see's me? All I could picture was this black bear chasing me down. So I circle around thinking I got get a picture, But, oh my god it's a freaking black bear.Nothing prepairs you for a moment like that. I was in shock.He crossed the street and ran up the ravine thick with pine trees, so I ride by very cautiously watching to make sure he's well out of the way. I am now beside myself. I still got 20 miles to go to get to this campground. I'm tired and emotionally on edge. I finally reach the state park and It's beautiful, and I have it all to myself. I ride through the whole park, pick out the best camp site, and start setting up camp. I can't beleive what happen today.

1 comment:

  1. Lions, tigers, and BEARS!! Oh my! Sorry bro, couldn't resist....pepper spray dude, pepper spray. Exhiliratinbg and yet somehow frightening at the same time, 'eh? Just like white water rafting.

    Christina and I just returned today from our 4 dasy cruise to the Bahamas. Funny juxtapositioning the two extremes of activitiy between on Friday I leave for the idyllic tropical setting of the Bahamas aboard a world class luxury liner and every comfort, and indulgence in human decadence imaginable. The gorgeous woman I am in love with by my side, and we are planning on nothing more strenuous then really hot. passionate lovemaking and walking to our next 4star meal....then you, alone, perpetually climbing mountains, peddaling to the horizon and using up god knows how many calories in every hour just getting over the next hill, llooking for the ideal place to camp outside, or as I see a cheap hotel to restore your body and your will to face the next days challenges that you will find out there on your solo trek across this magnificent landscape that is America. Yep. Quite a contrast in human endeavor.

    I am so happy your journey has started and that the nasty dog did finally give up and allow you to continue on your adventure minus a canine inflicted wound. Nice of the beast all in all.

    Got to swim with the stingrays in Blackbeards Cay over in the Bahams. That was cool. And for our first cruise for both of us - Christina and I had an incredible few moment on the sea over 4 days. Back to the daily grind and keeping tabs on you my intrepid traveler. Be well, and may adventure be your companion.
    Love ya bro,
