It's Sunday morning,about eleven. I'm sitting in a log cabin eating an amazing Sunday brunch, complete with wifi. $8.99 all you can eat and surf. Nice! As you can see I camped out again last night. I'm about 200 miles north west of Green bay in the state forest.Getting ready to ride up in the Indian reservation.I had to put the slow down on the checks mix, but Rick I found me a box of mike and ike's. Yikes!Beef jerky is my new found friend.Yesterday I found a farmers market, and in the same parking lot was a natural foods store.I loaded up on fruits. I am craving a nice salad.Kyle, the riding is absolutely beautiful.You would have much fun. I had stumptown today before I broke camp. I miss you's guys.Don't be hitting it too hard now I got my eyes on you all. keepin it real
Sunday, May 31, 2009
1 month on the road
It's Sunday morning,about eleven. I'm sitting in a log cabin eating an amazing Sunday brunch, complete with wifi. $8.99 all you can eat and surf. Nice! As you can see I camped out again last night. I'm about 200 miles north west of Green bay in the state forest.Getting ready to ride up in the Indian reservation.I had to put the slow down on the checks mix, but Rick I found me a box of mike and ike's. Yikes!Beef jerky is my new found friend.Yesterday I found a farmers market, and in the same parking lot was a natural foods store.I loaded up on fruits. I am craving a nice salad.Kyle, the riding is absolutely beautiful.You would have much fun. I had stumptown today before I broke camp. I miss you's guys.Don't be hitting it too hard now I got my eyes on you all. keepin it real
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Into the wild
It's Saturday May 30th, Happy Birthday Mom.
I'm sitting in a Arbys with wifi. Its the last big town before the wilderness.I've een camping for nothing the last two days. The first night was in a wayside off route 45 in the middle of Wisconsin. Did I here someone say pickle park. Dooh! Needless to say I didn't sleep too well that night. I had no option, it was a 97 mile day and the sun was setting. Yesterday I stumbled upon this gem of a campsite. Nobody was around so I took it over like I owned it. I spent the whole day there. Listening to the rapids was soothing. I Built me a nice fire, and cooked up some grub.It was a really nice day in the woods next to that river.Where I'm headed there's sure more of that to come. Don't worry the map is comming. I just need to find one to mark up
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I'm outta here
Been waiting out the rain for two days now. It's time to move on today, even though the weather is not cooperating.I've had my fill of the Econolodge.There is a gentleman's club conveniently located right next to the hotel.Eh em! That was fun.Nothing but something to do. It's about as much fun as cardboard crack.You know playing the lotto.My bike is all cleaned and tuned up and the laundry is done. I'm ready to hit the road for some more adventures.I hope I don't get too wet. Oh, last night I hit the all you can eat Chinese buffet. You eat tooomuch.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Run Forest Run
The ferry ride across Lake Michigan was 60 miles, cold and rainy but the water was relatively calm.Right now I'm in Manitowoc, Wisconsin it's raining and I'm in a holding pattern.Rain is forecast for the next two days, so I may end up chilling here. We'll see what it looks like tomorrow.
I've got a new map and I'm plotting my course through Wisconsin.I'll be heading in a northwest direction to Duluth,Minnesota.It's time to tune my bike and do laundry in preparation for the long haul through Wisconsin.This leg of the journey will take me through some beautiful country. There are several national forests in northern Wisconsin as well as Indian reservations, and State forests.It's going to get wild here real quick.This will be the biggest forest I've ever seen.I won't see another beach until I get to Lake Superior.I should encounter all kinds of wildlife though. Gulp.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Golden in Silver lake on Memorial day
Silver lake
Silver lake from the dunes
Silver lake sand dunes
This morning I did some exploring around Silver lake. The dunes are amazing. Lots of people with 4x4's drive all up on them. They were all camped out at the campground last night.It was 4x4 city. I had a short ride to
Ludington this afternoon.Dean a biker,rode me into Ludington. He kind of startled me as he rode up from behind and started talking to me.We rode together what seemed like 15 miles, talking and getting to know one another. It was great cause he showed me the way. Once in Ludington I bought my ticket for the ferry to cross into Wisconsin. I leave tomorrow at 9:00a.m. Theres only one trip a day and it takes 4 hours.It's gonna rain tomorrow so I got a motel room close to the ferry right in town. Now I have the rest of the day to explore Ludington.I'm excited about the ferry ride tomorrow, and then being in Wisonsin. Wow! I'm in a cute coffe house right now drinking french press and eating a piece of mocha pecan pie. Don't hate me.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Off to see the wizard
I'm sitting at a picnic table at a campground in Silver lake Michigan, with Internet access mind you. Beautiful weather, a wonderful ride, and memories to spare.Last night I camped in a state park on lake Michigan. I had Great time with great people.The skeeters were on the obnoxious side though.I'm kinda exploring this part of Michigan cause I've never seen it before. There are tons of camp grounds over here and I'm checking some of them out.I feel like the luckiest guy in the world tramping like a gypsy around the country on my bike.My legs are getting strong. To date I've covered 1120 miles.I can't believe It's been 24 days already. That seems so long.Time is flying by. I just want to thank you all for the comments it's really fun to log on and see the encouragement from you all. It goes a long way following this yellow brick road I'm on. Off to see the wizard!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
On the road again
I'm taking a coffee break and catching up. I've got 30 miles behind me. I left Kim,Bill, Matti, and Sammi this morning after a killer french toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon breakfast. It was really nice to spend time with Kim and her family. They are the best! What a riot. Kim by the way looks great. She's really camera shy though.Bill was really nice too, he kept feeding me beers. Matti and Sammi kept me entertained and are just as sweet as can be. It was great to be lost in a five and seven year olds world. Daney, I got to play guitar,and even the piano. It's all good out here in La, La land...
Friday, May 22, 2009
Blast from the past
This mornings ride to Holland Michigan was hot, sunny and 80 degrees. I called Kim Watson in the morning and told her I'd be in town. So, after riding 62 miles she came and picked me up in her husbands truck and saved me 15 miles in the heat. I never would have found the house anyway. Nice! Now I'm chilling at her house with the the family. I haven't seen Kim in 24 years. I'm about 1 mile from lake Michigan. It looks like tomorrow I'm gonna take the ferry across lake Michigan and be in Wisconsin in two hours. Giddy up! Her mom and dad are here and Rick and Mike live close by. Kim has two daughters and a son, and is happily married to her husband Bill.They have an amazing house and his and her garages. Bill has a incredible car collection in his garage some 48 cars and motor cycles, Schwinn bikes... I've never seen anything like it. Kim has 4 week old German Shepard puppies in her garage. Quite the contrast. I'll check in later with some pictures. See ya!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The road from Bowling Green to Harrison lake was indeed a treat. 20 mile an hour wind right in my face, the tractor trailers were blowing me all over the road, and I had a two foot shoulder. I did stumble across a nice bike path for about ten miles. I'm starting to realize there are a lot more roads out here than my map is showing. Both yesterday and today I started improvising my route to my planed destination. By asking strangers for directions I get a local spin on the ways to get from one place to another. That combined with a state map is how I'm plotting out this journey.
It was a hard fought 57 miles to Harrison lake state park, but the reward was awesome. As you can see by the pictures , it was beautiful. I find my self wishing that you all could experience this with me. A wonderful camp ground is good for the soul. I got up the next morning ready to go dashing through the Ohio country side. And that's what I did. 84 miles later here I sit in Marshal Michigan about 20 miles east of Kalamazoo! Too bad Daniel is not in town yet, we could have hung out, brother. It was 80 today, and not a cloud in the sky. The riding was good and hot. I'm in a cheap hotel plotting my next move. Isn't this fun?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Butt butter
I got two words for you, butt butter. It's like putting cream cheese on your ass, hold the bagel. Not that anybody cares, I'm developing some callouses on my hoo hoo. All this flat riding through Ohio has me sitting on the saddle for hours, and it's starting to get a little tender, let me tell ya.
I'm in Bowling Green Ohio, next to the University. Yesterday I rode 72 miles through Ohio farm land, flat flat flat. The weather is beautiful, sunny and in the 70's. I am having the time of my life. The riding is going great.I'm in my little zone on the road. Sometimes I feel like I'm having too much fun. So far I feel real comfortable doing around 70 miles a day. I've come 785 miles total.
I don't know where I'm going next, I'll plot a course in the next couple of hours. Indiana or Michigan? It's a coin toss. God I love the spontaneity of all this.Monday, May 18, 2009
Chillin on lake Erie
It's monday morning and I thought I might send a few more pictures of the cottage on lake Erie. We made a fire last night and spent the evening hanging out around the fire pit. I could stay here for a week. No problem, but I'll get back on my hobby horse and venture west today.What could possibly happen today? We'll see...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Day 17 let the magic begin
OK, I could not even make this up. After spending four days with Rick in Eastlake Cleveland, I set my sails west this morning around 10:00 a.m. I can't even begin to express how nice it was to spend time with my brother. We had the best time just hanging out and working on that boat. We cooked and ate 6 t-bone steaks in three days. I slept on his floor next to the dog on my air mattress and sleeping bag. Nice! Last week when I was in Lakewood I went out with some friends of mine Laura and Dennis. At the time he told me he was running in the Cleveland marathon next week, and I told him if I was in town that I would come by. In the meantime I had forgotten all about it. This morning when I was riding through Cleveland I start to see all these runners. I realize that it's the marathon and I call Laura up and she says Dennis just finished. I'm sitting on my bike at the 25 mile mark and she says come on down to the finish line and say Hi. So I did and there they were. I only missed him running by about 7 minutes. It was crazy unreal! After congratulating him and spending a little time with small talk I was on my way. A nice flat ride on the south of lake Erie was on the agenda maybe trying for Sandusky Ohio.
After about 50 miles or so I started noticing these cottages all along the lake for rent. I rode by about 4 or so, then I decided to stop and ask what they were renting for. The lady took one look at me and asked if I was riding my bike across the country. I said yes. And she said for bike riders it's free! I said what? She said yep. I used to ride cross country too. She said people were so nice to her when she did it, and now it's time to pay back some of that generosity. It is the nicest cottage on the lake with the best beach and view. I am floored. Can you imagine, it's really unbelievable. I can't get over it. Now I'm sitting at my picnic table out front of my free cottage on Lake Erie inVermilion Ohio blogging my ass off. It does not get any better than this.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Big brother
It's Thursday afternoon and I'm chilling with my long lost brother Rick. It's been 25 years since I've seen him, and what a treat it is! God I love Rick, I always have. I forgot just how funny he is. He's a one man show. He just keeps me entertained for hours. I feel so lucky to have this chance to spend sometime with him. I rode 80 miles to Eastlake Cleveland with no address I called him when I got into town, and I ended up two blocks away from his shop and home. He's still a body man working and living out of a big shop. Right now he's painting a boat. He's got a dog named Little man, oh, and he bit me, the little shit.We've been hanging out working on the boat. I helped with the taping. We've enjoyed a few meals together and last night we cooked steaks in the electric skillet. I am enjoying myself thoroughly. Right now I'm waiting out the weather and it looks like I'll take off on Sunday. That will give me a least five nice days to start riding on west, and give me some more quality time with my brother. This is the first time I've had to hunt down a wifi signal. Sorry for the late post. But I've got some serious catching up to do with Richard!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Back in the saddle
Leaving Lisa and Kimme's this morning was almost too much. I had a wonderful visit and adore them both. I was really sad this morning before I left, but as the miles wore on my spirit came back. With beautiful weather and a really nice ride behind me, I'm sitting at a Inn in Presque Isle Pennsylvania right on lake Erie. I met George and Mary just outside of Westfield N.Y. They're from Colorado. We had a nice talk and compared stories and went our separate ways. They invitied me to come stay with them when I come through the rockies. I just might take them up on their offer. It was really neat meeting them. Right off the bat you have so much in common and in no time at all you're hitting it off. Today was a 65 mile ride through wine country. I'm back in the saddle baby!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Today I rode 50 miles around Chautauqua lake without my panniers. I stopped at Long point state park and had lunch with this beautiful view. I caught up with the rest of my family in these parts and visited with some old friends. I'm starting to get antsy about moving on. Yesterday I took the day off and felt guilty. I'm looking to head over to Lake Erie and follow it through Ohio. It looks like I'm going to visit my brother Rick in Ohio. I just got off the phone with him, he's about a two days ride away.My visit with Lisa and Kimme has been wonderful. I could easily stay here and wear out my welcome, but that's not my style. Kimme sewed up my pannier that the rodent in wellsville destroyed. Now I'm good to go. Yesterday I even played some guitar around the campfire just like my buddy Daney ordered. tonight I'm cooking dinner for the girls, so I gotta run to the store and pick up some food. See ya later.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
so far so good

I spent the day on friday riding down memory lane past all my old stomping grounds. This is where all the dreams started. As a kid I entertained the idea of riding my bike off into the sunset, and 35 years later here I am finally acting on those instincts. It feels good. Lots of people ask me why I'm doing it. The short answer is because I can.
Today is Saturday and I'm really taking the day off . Lisa and Kimme made waffels and bacon for breakfast. We're just kinda being home bodies today. There's talk of a bon fire and some beer and chips and salsa. Last night we did some honky tonkin with the girls and had dinner at the Rio. Just busy catching up with my sis. It's been a while.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Home sweet home
Thursday morning started out fun. After a night of rain, I woke up at 6:00 a.m. My tent was soaked on the outside, but I stayed nice and dry on the inside. It got cold too last night. It must have been in the low 40's. I was warm in my sleeping bag though. So I'm packing up my stuff and I go to unzip my pannier and there's some kind of animal inside. All I could see was a brown hamster like rodent, and of course it startled me. Come to find out I had acquired a stow away in the night. This field mouse or brown rat had been snacking on the two pieces of bread I had left in my pack. buried in the bottom now he finally jumped out and scurried across the lawn. upon further investigation I see that the little rat bastard chewed right through my zipper and of course destroyed it in the process. I'm gonna fix it with safety pins or something. I broke camp and was on the road at 7:00 a.m. The first 10 miles it started raining pretty good. So I ducked into a country store for some coffee and shelter. I met some nice local folk sitting around playing cards at a table. We chit chatted for about 45 Min's. till the rain let up and I was on my way. They liked me and payed for my coffee. The next 40 miles were cold and windy with a little rain, not my favorite riding conditions as you folks in Brooklyn know. By 1 o'clock I was 40 miles from my hometown of Lakewood N.Y. I decided to go for it. The sun came out and the closer I got The idea of being back home made me push even harder. At 5 p.m. I arrived at my favorite coffee shop in town. I am spent! but it feels so good. 92 miles today, 440 miles for the week. I can do this. I've learned that my body will do pretty much what I ask it to do. As long as I stay hydrated and stay fueled up. My sister Lisa picked me up an hour later and I'm staying with her and Kimme and timber, in they're lovely home in Jamestown. We went out for cheese burgers and drank some cold beers. Stage 1 complete. I think I'm going to stay off my bike today.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Honky tonken at the Seneca lodge in Watkinsglen
Spent the night at the Seneca lodge drinking beers and trading stories with a colorful group of people. It's been around since 1948 and it has attracted all sorts of race car drivers and fans alike.I was rubbing elbows with the two brothers who had it handed down to them from there father.Lots of Watkinsglen racing history in this old place.I heard all about it. Got to bed late and slept great in my cabin. Packed up this morning and was out the door by 8:30. 72 miles later, I've got my camp set up and I'm hijacking a wifi signal fron the hotel next door. This super nice Indian couple insisted that I camp in they're garden next to the hotel. The owner gave me a coke and asked if I wanted a pillow. Cereal, milk?Not bad for just showing up. Looks like rain tonight I'm going to batten down the hatches. and ride out the storm. I'm about 45 miles east of Olean on route 417. With a good nights rest, and luck with the weather, I should be in Salamanca by tomorrow evening. I just cooked up two packs of ramin noodles for dinner, and I have a couple of oranges for a snack. My thighs are stiff and sore, I'll sleep like a rock.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Day 5 on the road
My stay in Ithaca New york was short but sweet. I was treated like a guest of honor at this woman's humble abode. Granny was a kindergarten teacher for 20 years, and she is as fit as a fiddle. Four times a week she gets up at 6 a.m. to go swim laps at the YMCA.This morning she went swimming then came back to make us scrambled eggs with toast, steamed broccoli, and stuffing with mushrooms and red peppers. French press coffee, orange juice and fresh fruit. We talked and had a leisurely breakfast. I didn't get on the road untill 10:30 and headed straight for Watkins Glen state park. Now I'm sitting in a cabin with wifi up in the woods it's around 3 in the afternoon and I'm good and tired. I only rode 30 miles today, and to date I've covered 280 miles.
I picked up some pepper spray for the next angry dog attack, thanks to my friend Daney's suggestion. Peace out, from the cabin in the pines.
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