Thursday, October 1, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
The honey hole
As you can see I've been keeping myself busy building things.I've also been spending time in the garden tending to the lettuce,beets,and radishes I planted.The weather here has been beautiful.This weekend is the Monterey jazz festival,I'm going to try and catch some of it.I did an open mike night in Monterey on Wednesday and even took part in the poetry slam.
It's always a trip moving to a new place and getting yourself intigrated.I forgot how lonely it can be when you don't really know anyone and your trying to find a place to fit in.I'm not drinking to deep from the well though.Soon I'll find the honey hole and have both paws in it.For now, it's me, myself, and I getting to know one another all over again...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sorry, I got so caught up in what I was doing I forgot to post. I've been busy building stuff and playing guitar and checking out Monterey.This place is really growing on me.I got no plans to go anywhere right now. I'm getting used to the California lifestyle.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Whats next?
Just been keeping myself busy around the house with weeding,planting,and fix up projects.
It's weird coming off the road when your not really sure if your coming or going anymore.Jesse said it best,Lenny you came all the way out here for a reason why would you go back.Did I come out here for a reason? I mean, well, I guess I always wanted to live in California.Doesn't everyone? Right now, I'm taking it one day at a time.I'm playing the guitar again.Who knows? I might even go get me a gig.
Peace Love and happiness
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Living in a motorhome
Jesse and I rode our motorcycles to Monterey today.He put me up in one of his motorhomes on the property where his mom lives,then he took me out and showed me all over town.Nice!It looks like I'll be helping out around here with the garden and the homestead.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Life is good
Spending my days helping out Jali and Jesse with work around the homestead building rock walls and cleaning up.The afternoons are reserved for jaming and hanging out.Lots of fresh vegetables from the garden are being eaten up for dinner. Life is good here up on the mountain.We've been having some serious jam sessions.Both Jesse and Jali play guitar, we've got a keyboard and congas as well.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Open mike at Big sur
I went to the open mike lastnight with Jali in Big sur at the Henry Miller.What a perfect out door setting, great sound,and a wonderful crowd.I got to play three songs and I killed it.It was sweet.Baby on board, If you love somebody, and daughters by John Mayer.Afterwords we drove down the coast to thirteen pines and star gazed.Wow! I've never seen so many stars.There was a meteor shower as well, so we saw tons of falling stars.We got out the guitars and jamed until 1 o'clock in the morning right there on the coast.What a night!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
waiting for the future to reveal itself
Today is my fifth day in Big sur.It looks like I'll be heading back to Monterey soon to meet up with Jesse.My stay here has been very nice.I mowed the lawn and did some weed whacking yesterday for Jali.Other than that, I've spent a lot of time sitting on the balcony playing guitar and taking in the mountain and it's view.The place is magical.I've also checked out some of the local hangouts.I've got no signal up here,so it's tough to get a hold of me by phone,but my email is working just fine.I didn't write any songs yet Daney, been too busy thinking about my next move.My buddy Jesse has been laying the ground work for me to stay in Monerey.It should all unfold here in the next few days.I don't want to speak prematurely, but I could be calling California my new home.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Not surly in Big sur
This is something else up here.It's so peaceful and quiet.I'm in healing mode.Jali and I played some music the first night, rocking out on guitars.Other than that, I've had the place to myself.There is a garden out back with plenty of fresh vegetables,A hot tub and an outside shower,even a friendly fluffy kitty cat.
Yesterday I explored the coast and some of the local hangouts. Seems to be an open mike close by on Wednesday nights.I might have to stick around for a while.
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Big Sur welcome
I'm in Big Sur staying at Jesse's friend Jali's house.High atop Peifer ridge in a house that overlooks the Pacific.Oh man,did Jesse come through on this one.Through a Private gate 2 miles straight up a steep mountain.Jali's been here since 1968 with his family, It's sweet! Jesse by the way is in L.A., he's hooking this all up with phone calls. My man.
I met Jesse in Miami in 1985, I was working at Carlos n Pepe's Mexican restaurant.The first time I ever performed with Tyrone was at Jesse's birthday party.We both lived on south beach in 1991, and I worked with him several times on carpentry jobs.It's been a long time, I can't wait to see him. In the mean time, I'll be staying here High atop Big Sur.Man, do I just fall into some shit or what? It's beautiful, sunny,breezy and in the 80's.
Never in a million years would I get up this way.Can you say jackpot? Wow, I'm just chilling here playing guitar and taking some photographs plus doing my blog thing.
Getting the Mom's hook up
I called my friend Jesse Muson yesterday from Monterey.He hooked me up with his mom.I went over to her house for dinner.I pulled up to this sweet house surrounded by a vegetable garden.Jocelyn is a hippy from back in the day.She spent many years living in Big Sur.That's where Jesse is from.She made a lovely salad from the garden.I picked some kale from her gigantic kale bush.She said she felt guilty for not eating it up.I marinated the kale in olive oil,soy sauce, garlic and sesame seeds.We shared a bottle of Merlot and had a wonderful dinner talking about Jesse and what he's up to and how much of a great guy he is.She lives in a beautiful old house on top of a hill that overlooks the pacific.After dinner I played and sang her "I'm for real" on Jesse's guitar and she sang me a song in french and sang one of her own songs, it was great.Then we had to watch "So you think you can dance".She's hooked,but it was cool.Amazing dancing and choreography.
I had never met his mom before, so it was one of those situations where you just never know what to expect.It was a pleasant surprise. What a great visit.
I had never met his mom before, so it was one of those situations where you just never know what to expect.It was a pleasant surprise. What a great visit.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Yosemite Sam
Wow... What I experienced yesterday riding from Lake Tahoe to and through Yosemite National Park was the most amazing motorcycle riding ever.It was so beautiful, pictures don't even come close to capturing the magnificent landscape I have seen.If you have never been out west to this part of the country you are missing the most amazing beauty in nature.It was like being on another planet.It was jaw dropping awe inspiring bliss.Right in the middle of it all I came across Pat from the west 30's in Manhattan.I was like, can you believe this? He is on his 2nd cross country tour and had some really helpful tips.We visited for about a half hour trading stories and bearing witness to the beauty.It was great to be able to share it with somebody.The fact that he was from N.Y. and touring on his motorcycle made it all the better.I look forward to seeing him in the city when I return.
After riding clear back across the state, I'm in Monterey,CA.Tomorrow I'm going to ride along the coast to Big Sur. I've put 2000 miles on the motorcycle so far, and covered 6000 miles and 10 states in total for my travels this summer.Wow, what an adventure.I wouldn't trade this for anything.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Lake Tahoe
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