Wow... What I experienced yesterday riding from Lake Tahoe to and through Yosemite National Park was the most amazing motorcycle riding ever.It was so beautiful, pictures don't even come close to capturing the magnificent landscape I have seen.If you have never been out west to this part of the country you are missing the most amazing beauty in nature.It was like being on another planet.It was jaw dropping awe inspiring bliss.Right in the middle of it all I came across Pat from the west 30's in Manhattan.I was like, can you believe this? He is on his 2nd cross country tour and had some really helpful tips.We visited for about a half hour trading stories and bearing witness to the beauty.It was great to be able to share it with somebody.The fact that he was from N.Y. and touring on his motorcycle made it all the better.I look forward to seeing him in the city when I return.
After riding clear back across the state, I'm in Monterey,CA.Tomorrow I'm going to ride along the coast to Big Sur. I've put 2000 miles on the motorcycle so far, and covered 6000 miles and 10 states in total for my travels this summer.Wow, what an adventure.I wouldn't trade this for anything.
Awesome. Just awesome Lenny. I envy every mile you put on out there. I am so glad to hear that you have decided to go back to the PCH and catch Big Sur. When in Monterey make sure you go to Carmel By The Sea. It's amazing. Santa Cruz is amazing. Then of course Big Sur and San Simeon. Do the castle tour if you are feeling touristy at San Simeon. It was cool 30 years ago. Then if you keep going down the coast there are some other treasures that you would probably find on your own - but, it's bringing back such fond memories of my days out there that I just have to put my two-cents in with reccomendations. Sorry if you find it annoying....have fun my intrepid traveling brother....where ever the road may take you - may peace be widdya.
Hey Lenny! I finally made it to the coast exactly one month after leaving NYC. Gonna check out the Redwoods today and start winding my way East. Take care brother and enjoy the ride. Later, Pat