Playing in the river A beautiful day for a ride through Big surI'm still trying to get my head around the fact that I rode my bike out hereJesse and Kody riding the big sur riverkissing catfish I spent last weekend camping in big sur. Still playing open mikes and searching for a gig.Been to the dentist and spent some serious cash on a new front tooth.The DMV got me for a thousand as well. It's been a very expensive week, but I was getting nowhere walking around looking like a toothless hillbilly crackhead without a California drivers license.
Do I dare ask how you lost your tooth? That pic of Big Sur sure brings back a flood of memories when a certain 19 year old was traveling through that very streetch of PCH and taking in the breathtaking vista you have captured on film here. Sounds like you've commited to staying on the left coast for a while. Play hard my friend. Miss ya.
Riding a bicycle across the country is something I've always wanted to do, but the timing seemed never quite right.At this point in my life everything is falling into place to allow me to undertake such an adventure, and I'm finding out that setting the wheels in motion takes place long before any of the peddling actually begins.
Do I dare ask how you lost your tooth? That pic of Big Sur sure brings back a flood of memories when a certain 19 year old was traveling through that very streetch of PCH and taking in the breathtaking vista you have captured on film here. Sounds like you've commited to staying on the left coast for a while. Play hard my friend. Miss ya.