Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saving grace

Timber wants to play
This morning looked grim.It was cold, rain was threatening and I was on the wuss out fence.I got on my bike, and said ouch!Then I noticed the wind direction.East!For the first time on this trip I had a wind at my back.The first 20 miles was like taking candy from a baby.I averaged 18 miles an hour. Awesome!I kept my breaks short so I wouldn't tighten up, and put the peddle to the metal.83 miles later I'm in a Mickey Dee's hijacking a signal from the Inn next door.What a turning point.What an advantage.These people going west to east have a huge advantage.I'm only 20 miles from North Dakota.I feel great.This was a good day.Sorry there are no pictures, it would have been ugly anyway.You can't imagine what it's like to look up the unfamiliar road with dark clouds looming, 48 degrees and you have the will power to maybe make 20 miles.And you know there is nothing on the map to save your ass.Then to discover the wind of all things wants to be your friend.Yippee Yahoo.I'll be in my cheap hotel watching T.V. thank you very much.


  1. Hi Lenny, Your doing great! Sounds like it was a good time to take a break. I look forward to viewing your blogspot almost every day. I keep my family updated.Keep your spirits up! Your doing something amazing Lenny.Take care of yourself.

  2. hey buddy,

    been checking in on you all the way and keeping laura and ebbet updated. great to hear everything is going great and luv the pics a ton. keep on bloggin and keep on spinning...maybe someday this will be made into a bout "lenny does america"...?...what that doesn't sound right:) i've picked philly for the next marathon in the fall. talk to you soon buddy.


  3. Hooray for serendipity! The wind at your back is always good in a golf game too! I wouldn't know about the bike riding. Keep your spirits up! Timber loves his 5 minutes of fame on your blog. He is starting to get fan mail and it is going right to his head!!! He thinks he might take it on the road too!!!

    Love ya!
    Your sis
