Today was a nice bike ride to Crescent Lake.The weather has been great and looks like it's going to continue through the weekend.I'm working my way around the Olympic Mountains and headed south to to the Pacific coast.Washington is fast becoming my favorite state.It smells like Douglas fur and wild flowers.I love the landscape,the forest's are beautiful and the mountains are majestic.I can't wait to make it to the coast.Let me know how you're doing...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Day 61 on tour
Today was a nice bike ride to Crescent Lake.The weather has been great and looks like it's going to continue through the weekend.I'm working my way around the Olympic Mountains and headed south to to the Pacific coast.Washington is fast becoming my favorite state.It smells like Douglas fur and wild flowers.I love the landscape,the forest's are beautiful and the mountains are majestic.I can't wait to make it to the coast.Let me know how you're doing...
Monday, June 29, 2009
He'll be comming around the mountain when he comes
Top of the world
I went to dungeness Spit yesterday and spent the night in Sequim.This morning I rode to Port Angeles on the bike path then rode up to Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic mountains.It was over 6000 ft.It was awesome.I'm so glad I did it! Just chillin on top of the world.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday morning started out with a 20 mile ride to the Port Townsend ferry.While waiting for the ferry to arrive I met Eric who was on his way to his uncle's to go sailing. I decided to follow him for the next 27 miles only to be punished by the back road hills that led us to his uncle's place.Eric is a high school teacher in Seattle and has raced sailboats in Tanzania.Upon arriving I met the rest of the family,and we went down to the beach to dig up clams for dinner.Now that was fun!After that, Eric and I went for a quick and adventurous sail in his uncle's boat.
When we got back I scrubbed clams While the rest of the family prepared dinner.Fresh clams over pasta, sauteed vegetables,salad, and rhubarb pie with ice cream.Another amazing encounter with the people and places in this incredible part of the country.Thank you for sharing these times with me. I am humbled by your kindness.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
unbelievable kindness
Well, I rode to the coast of Washington and jumped on a ferry to Whidbey Island.I found a nice coffee house and met Jessica.then I headed to South Whidbey state park to check out the camp ground.It was really nice, but I didn't feel like spending alone time in the woods.I rode six miles back to the coffee shop.Jessica was showing my blog to Cynthia who invited me to come stay in her and her husbands studio.That was a no brainier.We packed up my bike in her car and drove to the west side of Whidbey where they have a charming house.After getting cleaned up they had me over for a wonderful dinner.We shared stories and had fresh strawberries with ice cream for dessert.David is an avid astronomer complete with an observatory. He showed me Saturn and the moon through his amazing telescope.Wow!The deer and rabbits are plentiful here, and so was Cynthia and David's kindness.They called me in Saturday morning for Breakfast, and now I'm getting ready to ride up to Deception pass.Encounters like this make me feel so blessed.I am truly grateful for the unconditional love they have shared.With a giant leap of faith comes unbelievable rewards.Never be afraid to take that first step.There is a world of opportunity out here just waiting to be discovered.
Friday, June 26, 2009
up and over the Cascades
Yesterday I rode 71 miles over the Cascade mountains.They are very rugged and gnarly I ended up in a small town 30 miles east of Seattle Called Gold Bar.I made it up to Stevens pass in about 3 hours.By the time I got to Gold Bar I was spent, so I stayed at the only motel in town,did some laundry and had hot chicken wings for dinner.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Getting to know the locals
Yesterday I ended up playing music at the Red Bird coffee house.I met Zack and he turned me on to Gorden And his Wife Nicole and we all ended up at their house getting baked and having dinner. A fresh salad that she made entirely from her own garden.Super nice people and a great time.I could stay here for a while. It's an adorable town with a German theme.It's like being back In Frankfurt all over again.The people are amazing, and I got to wow some folks with my musical skills. I got my mojo back!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
No shame in my game
Tuesday morning started out challenging.I got about 3 miles out of town on this bike path and my rear tire split right down the middle.It went flat so I tried to pump it up and it actually held air.There was a piece of wire stuck right in the tube.I managed to find a bike shop 5 miles back into town.I replaced both front and rear tires with new ones, and saved my old front tire as a spare.I got back on the road at about 11:00 a.m.About 25 miles down the road I started to get a real sense of danger because there was absolutely no shoulder to ride on.Cars were whizzing by at 70 mph.And for the first time on this journey I was scared.My intuition was me telling to get off the road.I couldn't stop thinking I was going to get run over.Just then a semi was coming in the opposite direction and I could here another one right behind me and all three of us were about to converge at the same point.I could here the truck behind me brake,so I bailed off the road.He gave me a friendly beep as if to say thanks.I just shook my head and said that's enough.Up the hill about a half a mile was a gas station and I pulled in frazzled.This guy comes out of the store and says, hey thanks for getting off the road, most bikers would have just kept going.I said oh, that was you.Yeah he said, this is a real dangerous road Lot's of people get killed out here.I told him how I felt and said,I need to get of this road, I'm ready to start hitchhiking.This is nuts and I'm terrified.So he offers to take me 70 miles to Libby where I was trying to get for the day, and I say sure!I strapped my bike onto the empty flatbed and away we went.Chris and I get to talking and he is just the nicest guy.We're the same age and had a lot to talk about.We talked non stop for hours.He was picking up a railroad truck in Troy which was just the other side of Libby and bringing it about 350 miles away to Leavenworth Washington, which is only 100 miles east of Seattle.To make a long story short he offered to take me as far as he was going, so we picked up the truck in Troy and drove 350 miles out of Montana thru Idaho and into Washington.We had a blast stopping for dinner shooting the shit and telling stories of our adventures.We stopped and shared a hotel when it got dark.Two perfect strangers getting on like old friends.We got up this morning had breakfast and drove the rest of the way to Leavenworth droped off the railroad truck and said our goodbyes.Man, I could'nt make this shit up.He was happy to have some company and I was thrilled to escape that dangerous situation, get to ride in a big rig, and most of all be 400 miles closer to Seattle avoiding some serious mountain passes.Tomorrow I have to climb some 4000 ft. over Stevens pass and then coast 50 miles into Seattle.Right now I'm in a coffee shop drinking dancing goats alive and well thanking my lucky stars.I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid. See ya in Seattle!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Good looking out
The 67 mile smile
The Flat Head River
Oh my god! That was incredible! My day started out in a little breakfast joint with two other cyclists in East Glacier.We shared experiences and had a nice breakfast.Evidently I have been climbing for the last two weeks and didn't even know it.I started my ride at 9:00 a.m. and only had to climb 10 miles before I reached the Continental divide, which is Marias Pass, some 5000 feet above sea level.Then it was all down hill! 67 unbelievable miles of down hill!Wow!That was a once in a lifetime experience.I saw three cyclists going in the opposite direction and I can't imagine having to do that.They looked miserable.I on the other hand was over joyed.The first thing I did when I got to the bottom was get a tooth pick to get the bugs out of my teeth, cause I was smiling the whole way.Talk about beautiful.Glacier National Park is wonderful.The pictures are not even close to the real thing.I wish you all could experience what that was like.There's nothing like it.Sending my love and zest for life in these beautiful times.Your friend lenny.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Fathers Day
Last night I thoroughly enjoyed the company of a couple from Wisconsin.They were in the cabin next to me.We ended up going out to dinner and I had a fantastic steak.We sat outside the cabin and drank beer and exchanged stories all afternoon.It was a good time.I think the people from Wisconsin are some of the nicest folks in America.There must be something in that cheese.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Here we go
I'm staying in East Glacier tonight.Tomorrow I'll start my trek through the mountains.The locals tell me there are more than 300 grizzly bears in the park.Don't feel bad if I can't get a picture of one.I'll be too busy climbing anyway.I might not have a wifi signal for a couple of days as well.Hmm, imagine that.The Rockies are amazing, and the beer is really cold.Wish me luck.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Somewhere in the middle of america
I'm in Cut bank,Montana,44 miles from the Rocky Mountains.I can see them in the distance looming with snow drizzled on top of them like frosting on a giant jaged cinnamon bun.The forecast for tomorrow is rain,and the wind is gusting up to 30 miles per hour right now.I'm so excited!I've come all this way to see this amazing sight.I think I'm in pretty good shape to tackle these puppies.In a few days we'll see just what kind of shape I'm in. I was on my bike at 6 a.m. this morning and had a beautiful 44 mile ride to Shelby, where I ate eggs and french toast for breakfast,then I rode 22 miles to Cut Bank.I scored some free muffins at a coffee shop and milked the owner for information about the road ahead.She also recommended a cheap hotel.So, here I am at my base camp trying to imagine what lies ahead.It's crazy never knowing what the next day is going to bring.It's been like this the whole way.Every time you crest a hill your trying to get a glimpse of the road ahead.Most of the time it's another hill.But other times the landscape just explodes and it's like, Wow! I wish you could see this.Pictures can't express the feeling of being in the middle of this amazing landscape.Montana is everything you've ever seen in a cowboy movie only your surrounded by it. It's like being in the middle of an ocean of land. I love it!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A much needed rest day
I woke up this morning to some nasty winds out of the west and decided to stay put right where I am.I tossed it back and forth till 11 o'clock before I made up my mind to stay.I haven't had a rest day since coming over the ferry into Wisconsin and now feels like a good time to take one.I spent the morning disassembling my bike and cleaning and tuning it up for the next leg of the tour.The owner of the motel hooked me up with some rags and a bottle of degreaser, now it's like new money.People are so nice,I'm amazed at how they go out of their way to help me out.Meeting new folks everyday is one of the highlights of being on this adventure.The couple that owns this place also have a cafe and laundry facility so this is the perfect one stop shop.The cafe has really good ice cream and coffee.Last night I had a pizza that was pretty good too.I wouldn't normally vacation in a town like this, but I'm going with the flow.Tomorrow it's back to work though.Yeehaw! ride em bikeboy.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
snake rattle and roll
I was on the road at 5a.m. this morning after last night's festivities.I was trying to avoid traffic on a bad road, and get going before the wind started.I rode 82 miles to Chester, Montana.I saw 5 dead rattle snakes on the side of the road today. Yikes!This is some major rattle snake country here.Needless to say I'm not camping out.I've had great weather for the last 3 days.Tomorrow looks promising as well,although it's going be a hot one. After tomorrow I should be within striking distance of Glacier National Park.I'm going to bed early tonight like a good boy.I've got my work cut out for me in the morning.
five fat tires
The wind changed on me overnight so I had a battle on my hands again today.I did manage to put in 65 miles and ended up in Chinook, Montana.I got cleaned up and crawled into a local watering hole called the pastime lounge.I tried my first fat tire.For those of you who don't know, it's beer.Fittingly with a picture of a bicycle on it.It didn't take long for word to spread who the new guy at the bar was.The beers were on the house and so was my cheeseburger.I left the place with 13 dollars in poker earnings a new hat and a education in cattle ranching.Great people, great night.I'm drunk...
Monday, June 15, 2009
114 miles yeah baby!
Flying high in the big sky
Yesterday was a 96 mile day, it was 87 degrees and hot.I had a nice tail wind and I rode through some wide open country in Montana. I'm in Wolf Point right now.Today looks like another nice day with the wind at my back also.The pictures I took yesterday just don't translate. It's as far as the eye can see.I met some really nice Indians, I'm on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation learning all about the history around here. It's really interesting. What an education.This is great,I'm having a blast.I saw two bikers coming from Seattle. They complained about the head winds, so that looks good for me.Montana is beautiful and I haven't even got to the good stuff yet.I hope everyone one is well.I'm flying high in the big sky.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Lookout Montana here I come
Here I sit on the boarder of North Dakota and Montana in Williston,ND.With 2,200 miles behind me I'm looking at another 1,200 miles to Seattle,with three mountain ranges to cross.This past week was a real test of my will.I'm happy to have prevailed.For me one of the toughest challenges is the weather.I am through and through a fair weather cyclist.As long as it's sunny and warm I'm good to go.The cold, wind, and rain is a whole different story.
I've met some really nice people bellying up to the bar after a long day in the saddle.Last night I learned a lot about the booming oil business and cheap real estate in North Dakota.It's amazing what you get for 30 grand.Good paying jobs are also plentiful.The only problem is the 40 degree below zero winters.I couldn't even imagine that.
My legs are so much stronger than when I first hit the Catskills.I don't even use my granny gear any more.The butt muscles are also getting tougher. Not quite where they need to be, but I'm getting there.We'll see what Montana has to offer over the next week.I feel much better today, I just ate some great Mexican food.Today it got up into the 80's, luckily I got an early start this morning.Tomorrow it's onward and upward. Lookout Montana here I come.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Hershey squirts
Hey, It's Friday morning I'm in Minot,North Dakota. Yesterday was a 68 mile ride in the rain, nice.This morning the sky is beautiful,and it looks like the temp is in the 70's.I did some bicycle maintenance this morning after riding in the rain the chain was pretty gritty.I'm good to go now.I haven't had a decent cup of coffee in a week.The food in this part of the country is also horrible.Greasy!! Everything is fried.It's given me a nice case of the runs.That's always fun out on the road on a bicycle.At first I thought I might have Lyme disease,but I looked up the symptoms on the web, I'm o.k. I'll be moving on shortly.I met some nice guys in Rugby the other day and hung out at a bar with them and learned all about wind farms.The folks around here are really nice.I miss the farmers market in Union Square.Oh yeah, and Maya's cooking. See ya!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Don't let the sunny sky fool you.This morning it was 37 degrees with the wind chill,but hey at least the sun came out.North Dakoda looks much better with a little blue sky in the picture.So far this is the toughest state to conquer.The wind is kicking my ass and the grey skys are just plain depressing.It looks like the tide is turning in my favor though.If I can make it out of this state in 3 more days I'll be lucky.I just keep hacking away at it.Yesterday was sort of a rest day for me I only rode 26 miles and chilled in a cheap hotel all afternoon.Today was a 57 mile day to Rugby. The next town is 68 miles away. So that's what I'm shooting for tomorrow
Monday, June 8, 2009
I miss Brooklyn
After two tough days and five ticks I'm in Lakota, North Dakota.Last nights camping was great, but it started raining and didn't stop till 11a.m.The weather has been rainy the last two days and cold as well. I got my first flat tire two days ago.Not bad considering I got a flat once a week in N.Y.C.I had this nice turkey pecking around the woods at my camp site, she had three little babies too. I got infested with ticks gathering fire wood. They were in my tent, sleeping bag, panniers, even on me, luckily I didn't get bit. Today I washed all my cloths so hopefully that's the end of the ticks!There is nothing in North Dakota for miles.I need some nice weather to bring up my spirits.Riding in the cold rain sucks, but I'm still having fun. Just not as much.I miss Brooklyn.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Saving grace
This morning looked grim.It was cold, rain was threatening and I was on the wuss out fence.I got on my bike, and said ouch!Then I noticed the wind direction.East!For the first time on this trip I had a wind at my back.The first 20 miles was like taking candy from a baby.I averaged 18 miles an hour. Awesome!I kept my breaks short so I wouldn't tighten up, and put the peddle to the metal.83 miles later I'm in a Mickey Dee's hijacking a signal from the Inn next door.What a turning point.What an advantage.These people going west to east have a huge advantage.I'm only 20 miles from North Dakota.I feel great.This was a good day.Sorry there are no pictures, it would have been ugly anyway.You can't imagine what it's like to look up the unfamiliar road with dark clouds looming, 48 degrees and you have the will power to maybe make 20 miles.And you know there is nothing on the map to save your ass.Then to discover the wind of all things wants to be your friend.Yippee Yahoo.I'll be in my cheap hotel watching T.V. thank you very much.
One tired biker
Yesterday was a 70 mile ride to Bimidji, Minn.Today I'm tired and sore.My butt hurts!My legs started getting cramps by the end of yesterdays ride. I think I need a rest day.It's getting tough let me tell ya.We had a frost warning last night. It was only 50 yesterday.I stopped at a coffee house yesterday, with super tasty treats.I had the best biscotti ever!Today I'm gonna have to bite the bullet.It's time to buckle down and get r done.Yeah right, I just want to curl up in the fetal position. I'll let you know how it goes.One tired biker.
Friday, June 5, 2009
If you got one, ride it!
Yesterday was an 82 mile day to Grand Rapids Minn.The towns are starting to get far apart.I have to load up on food in the morning and haul it with me.I don't want to get hungry and have no food.The riding is pretty tough. The wind is constantly blowing in my face,but I'm getting used to it.It's been like that the whole way from Brooklyn.In the morning I met Hunter coming from Seattle.He was really nice. He's been on the road for two months,and he's on his way to Maine.At one point yesterday I took a break and there was nothing around me for miles. It was pretty cool to turn 360 degrees and be the only human being around. I like that feeling of wide open spaces.Once I get to North Dakota it's all wide open.Today I'm going for a bike ride.If you have a bike I think you should too.
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